Saint Lazare is also taking up the fight

against antipersonnel mines in collaboration with the international non-governmental organization HAMAP. Men and women, children and the elderly are the victims of atrocities because of antipersonnel mines.
The tendency to spread many-sided wars across certain countries has underlined the need to set up civil mine clearance structures. It was in order to serve this objective that HAMAP was founded in 1999. The common objectives of HAMAP and Saint Lazarus are:
- to promote an international strategy favouring human solidarity by initiatives against the deployment of antipersonnel mines.
- to implement concrete initiatives for clearing areas contaminated by mines, shells and any explosive weapons.
- to encourage young people with problems to share an idea which, through motivating missions, may give them a liking for the effort and a challenge to themselves.
- to found mine clearance schools wherever needed in order to train young people in clearance techniques.
- to participate in the invention and manufacture of means of mine clearance, and to encourage innovations which will permit the eradication of antipersonnel mines.
- to relieve the suffering of persons affected psychologically or physically by the curse engendered by wars and conflicts. This can manifest itself through medical or material aid for these ravaged populations.
- to help with the setting up of other communities or associations whose members would have the goal of fighting against the use of antipersonnel mines and every destructive weapon not locatable or identifiable on the ground and/or to relieve the suffering of populations affected by conflicts.