Working with NGOs

During 2003, UNHCR reviewed efforts to strengthen partnerships in order to increase the level and quality of resources reaching refugees and other persons of concern to the bureau. To this end, the High Commissioner proposed measures to improve the potential for resourcing unmet needs.
Savings are used to cover unmet needs where parties can undertake activities in a more cost-effective manner than UNHCR. Similarly, if a partner, usually paid by UNHCR, can fully or partially provide its services without that payment and without affecting UNHCR's funding sources, savings may be spent on unmet needs; and, if a partner is available to undertake activities addressing unmet needs which are not included in the UNHCR budget, UNHCR would applaud this and be available for strategic and operational partnerships.
UNHCR engages the support of NGOs, whose involvement often plays a crucial role in saving lives and delivering humanitarian assistance to needy refugees. Closer association with implementing agencies helps in the identification of needs and the formulation of programmes as well as in addressing funding gaps. Besides “traditional” cooperation in technical areas, such as water, health and sanitation or shelter, UNHCR and NGOs will continue to promote the rights of refugees and to provide basic social services.
Working in partnership with others... [PDF document]