What matters

UNHCR's main objectives in Ethiopia were to provide international protection and material assistance to mainly Sudanese, Eritrean and Somali refugees; to promote the voluntary repatriation of 14,000 Sudanese refugees; to assist the Government with the rehabilitation of infrastructure and environment in and around refugee camps; to promote the well-being of the most vulnerable refugees and to pursue resettlement as a durable solution for urban and camp-based refugees.
- UNHCR has provided international protection and assistance to over 100,000 Sudanese, Somali and Eritrean refugees.
- Aisha camp was closed after over 4,100 Somali refugees returned to Somaliland and some 1,800 Ethiopian individuals of Somali ethnic origin returned to their areas of origin.
- In early 2005, some 9,600 Sudanese Anuak refugees who had left Fugnido camp following inter-ethnic violence in late 2002 returned to the camp and were assisted by UNHCR in Ethiopia.
- The Government of Ethiopia and UNHCR reached an agreement on the issuing of identity cards to refugees and asylum-seekers. As a result, all urban refugees and asylum-seekers received identity cards.
- Over 1,200 refugees were resettled in other countries.
- Some 1.64 million seedlings were planted in refugee affected areas, some 450 hectares of land were reforested in all camps and 42 kilometres of terraces and check dams were constructed to contain soil erosion and gully formation.