Steps for Christianity
By heading off on a +8000 kilometer-long walk Steps for Christianity and the project team hope to in particular shed light on the imbalance between the three Abrahamic religions in the Holy Land, with a focus on the importance of finding that balance through sincere respect for one another. The project involves an ambitious fundraising campaign, which will support various Christian projects in and around Jerusalem and the Middle East. These projects are managed by Saint Lazare in Jerusalem.
Partition, protectionism and outright hatred have become all too common in our societies; this is also the case in the Holy Land. For various reasons Christians are facing an existential crisis as they are forced to leave the Holy Land. This drain will create an enormous imbalance in the region with serious humanitarian consequences worldwide regardless of faith, therefore, this development must be reversed. It is in all our interest to maintain a balance between Muslims, Jews and Christians in the Holy Land.
The Christian communities in the Holy Land contribute to the society through for instance providing education, health services and sciences and engineering, benefiting all who live in the region regardless of faith. Christians are part of the region’s rich culture. Furthermore, including religious minorities in the society shows a country’s tolerance for pluralism which in turn is an indicator of level of democracy. Intolerance will inevitably be projected towards neighbouring nations and add to political instability in the region. If the Christians disappear from the region it opens up for extremism which would have catastrophic effects for the people of other faiths left behind. These possible consequences caused by the absence of Christians in the region show that a balance between the three Abrahamic religions in the area is of the outermost importance. People, worldwide, no matter faith, would suffer if the drain of Christians from the region is allowed to continue.
Steps for Christianity is already on the go!
Such a huge undertaking demands careful planning and the project management team is currently working hard to draw up all the major plans for the project. The actual start of the walk from Sweden to Jerusalem will be on August 3, 2020. The starting point will be the same as in 2012, Lund Cathedral, and the route this time will stretch over the eastern part of Europe, what we lovingly call the ”Orthodox Route”.
To succeed with the fundraising, a tremendous effort is needed during a period of 18 months in total, with 9 months of walking. All partners, workers and volunteers will work to reach the goal, to create the most exciting fundraiser and to make it successful.
By helping Christians in the Holy Land we put up the Green Cross of Hope. Giving people hope will help them feeling confident to stay where they live. Helping people remaining in their homes will help the balance in the region. This is the respectful way of maintaining peace!
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