Information from the UNHCR

Overall mandate goal: to provide international protection to refugees and others of concern to UNHCR and to search for a durable solution to their situation; while preparing populations of concern for a durable solution, to ensure the provision of humanitarian assistance, in a gender/age and environmentally sensitive manner, and promote a better quality of life and self-reliance through a community development approach; and, to advocate refugee rights, promote effective partnerships with other relevant organizations, and develop a range of diplomatic initiatives aimed at preventing and mitigating the conditions that cause refugee movements.
Overall support goal: to support UNHCR's efforts to ensure international protection and assistance to refugees and others of concern and seek solutions to their problems, through a range of strategies, particularly improved management of operations and resources.
Strategic goal 1: Support governments in the creation and maintenance of an international protection regime.
Strategic goal 2: Maintain and improve UNHCR's emergency preparedness and response capacity to assist states to respond to refugee influxes, while ensuring the physical protection of refugees.
Strategic goal 3: Better assess the protection and assistance needs of refugees and other persons of concern.
Strategic goal 4: Support governments in the provision of protection and assistance.
Strategic goal 5: Seek durable solutions to the situation of refugees (through voluntary repatriation and sustainable reintegration, resettlement and local integration).
Strategic goal 6: Use advocacy and related initiatives to safeguard the rights of refugees and other persons of concern.
Strategic goal 7: Build effective partnerships to better protect people of concern and ensure delivery of quality programmes.
Strategic goal 8: Help prevent and mitigate the conditions that trigger refugee movements.
Strategic goal 9: In relation to management, strengthen performance and improve the quality of UNHCR's work while making efficient use of resources.
UNHCR's Strategic Objectives: 2005
Expected accomplishments and indicators of achievement